Mar 7, 2023Liked by SGH

I voted for Vahid as it feels like a good while since he got centre stage. Anwen does feel sometimes like the central character, so I'd like to see the Seeker get some time in the spotlight again.

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Lol yep 😝 no shame in my game. Total Vahid Stan for sure. I also am a huge of how Vahid plays off of the other characters. Even when he was just a nerd with a staff he presents as one with rationale council. While still being very much being fallible. I think that is why I like Pad and Vahid so much. They seem to make decisions that they believe in regardless. Where as Anwen still seems easily swayed by so much out side of herself. But I suppose that is part of her whole story she is still finding herself and what resonates with her fully.

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Also, get well soon, marathon not a sprint , drink plenty of fluids etc!

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Also, those Ustrina had better not be ewoks in disguise, just saying…

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I’ve gone for Vahid, in part for balance, as I voted anwin last time, but also because I felt the argument for V was more compelling- A has responsibility now, but V has no such brake…

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by SGH

I like how the Ustrina image came out.

You're definitely correct about players needing to drive their characters and take risks in PBTA.

I had a chance to participate in a Sprawl game, my first active stab at the PBTA model. That game sadly drove to a halt in what seemed to be a mire of unspoken nervousness about throwing the dice and embracing the outcome. Felt that I was kicking most of the narrative doors in.

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I am biased I never really liked Anwen she still hasn’t exactly grown on me. Her tale feels often that of the chosen one with lil sense of her own skills. So seeking out a friend I’m not fond of. If it is a reminder of her capabilities and a cleansing of her conscience which she seems to need often. I see little merit in how it’ll offer major impactfulness to the story. But also I’m a lover of all things magic

So Vahid is totally my choice. I can appreciate the risk he takes. It is calculated often. Yet due to the nature of what he doesn’t know he doesn’t know there is always an element of risk and gamble. Which feels more like Vahid takes control of things and is truly in pursuit of his own goals. The natural conflict between he and Padrig in how they see this threat is a beautiful balance I believe.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by SGH

You’ve made a strong case that they both go. Pad won’t be here for a few hours anyway, right? That’s plenty of time!

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I prefer the private voting, because then I am not spoiled when I read up.

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