Very excited to see what pilots you come up with, PTFO very much flourishes on the quality of the writing moreso than the setting (not to throw shade on Stonetop, this blog is the reason I backed it and I'm very much looking forward to running a session).

The characters you've created for MotW sound really cool! I do wonder what RPGs you'll be running the other pilots in, any from Magpie Games or others from Evil Hat?

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I'll definitely be dreaming up a pilot for Avatar: The Last Airbender -- that system looks like a very robust PbtA with some new subsystems to experiment with (like the balance system, and the exchanges in combat that I suspect would work very well with AP Fiction). Setting-wise, I'd probably invent my own ATLA-inspired setting with some wuxia/wulin vibes.

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That preview sounds fun! I like that you included characters this time vs the earlier discussions that looked more at genre and themes. If you had just said “Monster of the Week Weird West”, that would have sounded meh to me. But I could 100% see myself looking forward to what these folks get up to next.

(I’m already hoping we eventually pull some sort of dimension-hopping, multiverse game that lets us smash all the PTFO series together in five years or so. 😂 )

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The most ambitious crossover event of the 2030s ;-)

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While I'm enjoying the saga of Anwen, Padrig and Vahid, I'm confident that whatever story you tell next will turn out a compelling read. The Western setting isn't a dealmaker or dealbreaker for me, so I'm interested to see how you adapt the Monster of the Week approach to the Old West.

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