"Anwen wants to join the Companions, but she’d be shocked to hear about their bloody past, so Padrig has to keep her at arm’s length, which creates an interesting tension between them. And Vahid can read minds (with some effort), so Padrig can’t really keep the secret from him, which means the question is “How will Vahid use that information?” As always, we play to find out."

ohh shiiiit, this was the "I'd watch this show" moment, for me 😍

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Nice. I think it's a really worthwhile thing in tabletop games for the PCs to have 'secrets' that are both a) important and b) likely to be found out in the course of play. It can create these moments where the characters' relationships change significantly in a really satisfying way.

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Absolutely phenomenal start, I can't wait to read more.

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Really loving the GM notes! I hope this is a regular thing!

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I will try to do GM notes at a minimum after each session, and sometimes will do character-by-character write-ups. What specifically do they do for you?

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Ok I'm still early in this one, and I missed the first footnote and didn't get the motif until the second. I'm mulling over how it strikes me, but so far I'm liking the format a lot.

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Cool -- in an upcoming installment (11/4), I am going to try out a different format for the mechanics discussion -- an extended sidebar rather than footnotes. I'm curious which you prefer. I hope the sidebar works, because I've heard that people who read primarily through email are having trouble using the footnotes effectively.

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