An impeccable start, already loving the flavour and personality that you're pouring into these characters. Also very happy to see Nyryx in use, she's a very popular NPC in most of the APs I've read/listened to.

I also love the footnotes, Duskwall is a setting with tons of little details and I can imagine it's hard to get the necessary amount of exposition in without derailing the flow.

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I'm curious - why use an Action Roll rather than a Gather Information roll for the first two rolls? The two *are* different, but the difference can be annoyingly subtle sometimes (and it may indeed be that an Action Roll better suits your purposes). Happy to chat further, either now or in the future, about Blades GMing; I've done a LOT of it! I'm really looking forward to the project!

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I think it is just that these are new characters but I was a confused a few times as to who was speaking. I rather love the thieves can't, one thing I wish more writers would do is try their hands at coolants, and translation of your world languages to the narrative. I think it is hard but I love it, I feel that helps the place feel so real, the specific drinks, and commodities, the particular slang. It helps paint the picture.

I already really like Aldo I think it is, he seems super level headed but also kind of like the quiet blade. Precise, efficient brutal. That's the air he gives off, at least.

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