Jun 5Liked by SGH

Enjoying the story/play thru. On the matter of meta gaming/timings works for me! Especially when at the gaming table managing a split party can be challenging so always better if you can get them back together! (I appreciate it’s a bit different for solo playing).

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Jun 5Author

Agreed -- whenever I have a split party in a PbtA/FitD game at the table, I'm always thinking about what the most dramatic or opportune moment to bring the PCs back together might be -- it's always a table-pleaser

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Super fun to watch these story threads intertwine. Really looking forward to seeing how the Jessek’s get out of this one.

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Jun 7Author

Rian's gotta bullshit his way to glory, I suspect. :)

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Intense! I wonder if the girl with Chael will complicate things for Emma, as a witness.

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