While I love the weekly cadence, I’m in this for the long haul, so please do give yourself space to avoid burnout… 😉

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Weekly cadence ain't going away -- I think it's essential to keep my creative momentum going. I'm only planning to dial down the length of each individual episode a bit. :-)

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PTFO is important to _my_ creative momentum too, at this point 😅

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I'm going for the world building route here and picking 1. Heolings are new in terms of factions to explore. So I'd like to see that.

But I also think Padrig having his past to come back to bite him now might be a really great option as well. A test to see whether the party really has turned from it's old ways.

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I second this.

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I voted for the storm-folk on the grounds that the hdour would be looking out for anyone venturing into these lands, and to be first to meet and assess anyone sending up a signal.

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I really want to know what ozbeg's wasting gesture is. Two fingers against darkness in honor of the nameless 13th?

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I'd probably envision it as the karana mudra, a protective gesture in Buddhism. In the Stonetop setting guide, the Barrier Peaks are kind of Nepalese/Tibetan inspired, so it seems like an appropriate borrowing.

That gesture looks like throwing the horns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_of_the_horns

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