I could see Speak Softly seeing some immediate use with Owain. Anwen doesn’t seem to have shown much interest in armoring up. Aura of Courage is a good fit for a future Marshal, but Anwen still has a lot of go-it-alone attitude to work through first.

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Makes sense -- Speak Softly feels like it's the most currently connected to her character (after all, she's wanted to offer parole in every fight she's been in with other humans), and the other two represent a bit more of a jump forward. We'll see where it falls!

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I like Aura of Courage - it feels really aligned with Anwen's personality, and I can see it coming up often and creating great moments. Can't wait to see her moments against the bears without and the bears within 😅 and that fucker Owain too.

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Drat, I arrived too late to vote. I would have voted for the Aura of Courage. Anwen is a champion and beacon to others.

Nice episode. I really hope Owain gets cut down a peg or two, while admitting that life ain't necessarily like that. He's just such a tool!

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This week's poll was close indeed! :-) We'll see where it falls.

One thing that I've found very satisfying is how much distaste Owain has accumulated while spending very little time 'on screen.' It seems possible he'll be taken down at least a peg this session (assuming the dice do not heartlessly turn against the PCs), and one thing I've learned from this arc is that sometimes leaving a villain hanging around in the background can make it all the more satisfying to deal with him, narratively.

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Aura of courage - the armour of a true marshal of Stonetop!

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Agreed to the fear 'What you must do'. And if they do end up with the magic magic and weapons then also 'What you're capable of.

I thought Aura of Courage was pretty spot on for what's about to crop up, but I can see the appeal of all. Speak Softly would give all three a useful negotiation ability, but is that what she needs in the immediate future?

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It's a good question re: Speak Softly -- I think when we deal with the underlings of the bad guys (who may or may not be hardened villains themselves), Anwen will probably offer peace frequently, so I do see it coming into play. That said, as far as moves go, Speak Softly is on the more niche side -- it won't come up as often as, say, I Get Knocked Down, given that Anwen is constantly getting into scraps with very dangerous adversaries (Ivan Iron-Eye, the storm drake, the storm-marked assassin, soon perhaps a giant bear, etc., etc.)

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Lots of typos on this one -- it came in hot. :( My apologies, and I'm picking through and fixing them on the site.

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Note on Scene 6: The Healing Hut.

Cerys grows more and more to a very interesting character, a grey antagonist that is more obstacle than villain. The exchange with her really draws me into the scene.

Another thing, the Vahid's magic eye used while the shaman is there. It feels a little unusual to have an PC weave magic around while the NPC "just takes it". My understanding is that Cerys is not threatened and confident in her own abilities. That is a fine take.

That said, on my table, players would probably discuss (somewhat endlessly :) ) if this blunt move would work... "Nooooo, you can't show your third eye right in front of hear as if you are just wearing a funny hat!"

I guess its... be a fan of the characters, right :)

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To late to vote, but here are my thoughts:

The gifting part for Armored is the most exciting for me. The mechanics is strong don't get me wrong, but that's less interesting. Was it established who could gift to her? I assume Pad with some precious loot? Otherwise, probably someone from the village who has a heirloom but no "successor" so to say...

Aura of Courage would be my pick, the concept is intriguing and would serve her if an opportunity would arise to lead. That said, making Anwen more leaderish cut's a little into Pads 'territory' as he is also a leader. So maybe Anwen leading with valor and action and not with words and tactics might be a solid enough alternative.

Speak Softly.... does not click with me for Anwen, but maybe therefore it could indicate growth. Also, Anwen does not like to take lives, so this might allow her for a more deescalating route. It would also come in handy as marshal, right? Hm, maybe it's not so bad after all.

Now I'm torn, but lets go with .... Speak Softly, damn what a twist to myself :D

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