Another great one. I loved all the npc interactions, especially Tall Talfryn. I think I'm going to pick bear witness because it really cement's Pad turning his coat, or revealing his true colors, depending on how you see the man. Also I like those Absolute moves like that.
Another great one. I loved all the npc interactions, especially Tall Talfryn. I think I'm going to pick bear witness because it really cement's Pad turning his coat, or revealing his true colors, depending on how you see the man. Also I like those Absolute moves like that.
Wow, that was a tense episode. And such hot dice! I loved it.
I might not have voted for it this time, but I'd like to see Veteran Crew return as an option at a later date.
Definitely. Gotta give these guys their due!
Lovely NPC characterisation, even for minor ones. Great job.
Went for Bear Witness. After swallowing that seed and have all this kick off, no one in Stonetop will doubt him now.
This was a fun one. Even with mostly successes, there’s still plenty of drama to go around!
I’m really enjoying the art you’ve been dropping in to illustrate each session.
Glad you like it! I've been using Midjourney and my promptcraft is slowly getting better.
Fuck I just went to vote for "bear witness" but the text description of "veteran crew" got me in my feels 😅🤔
The story is just really humming!
Oh, the tension! 🫣
Veteran Crew seems a great pick. Great chapter!
There’s some really, really good scene framing on display here. Well done.